Sunday 5 August 2007

those were the days

making our way back into town along the infamous jalalabad road, accompanied by an afghan music channel, the famous ahmed zahir starts singing a dari rendition of those were the days.

the slightly twangy wavery afghan lyrics combined with the so-familiar tune sounds a little odd; but as i listen the impact of the words in this context sink in... those were the days, when this country was not so infested with external interests, when the powerplays & wargames of presidents & rulers of the world did not yet dictate the present reality of the millions of little people trying to make it from one day to the next in this odd hodgepodge of interests called afghanistan.

it's been going on for so long, it's now as much a part of reality here as the dust we breathe...

when were the days when there wasn't an external interest pulling the strings?
will there ever be a day when the afghans can "sing & dance" to their own tunes, when they will "fight & never lose " and ultimately "live the life they choose"?

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